Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Learning Process, exploring new materials & making things

Yarn Product, An Accessory Stand

Metal Product (using Recycled Aluminium Pieces), A Village Hut from Assam

Paper Mache, Fruit Basket, Theme: Alien

Paper Mache Product, Fridge Magnet, Theme: Alien

100% Scale Up of A Gas Lighter (Geometry Product), Using Pastel sheet, silver paper, Glue & Thermocol 

50% Scale Down of A Guitar, Using Pastel Sheet & Thumb Pins (Geometry Product)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Painting Tips :)

  • decide how to draw, from which angle & color use.
  • just make a quick sketch, don't do much detailing, marking only the main areas.
  • feel free with color, use them as you like.
  • importance on the shape, light effect & color.
  • in case of wet mediums, don't use too much of water in the same area. this may ruin your sheet.:)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Experimenting with Photoshop...

Amulgamation of human face with Flower, a new species, more stronger & kind herted then present generation. They can fly, swim & run. Can adopt in any situation. Let them to live, let them to make their own beautiful planet... :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013